Vision, mission and strategy
The Champa foundation supports education in Asia, so that poverty stricken youngsters may realise their ambitions and may secure a better future for themselves, their community and country. Champa sees education as one of the most important long lasting forms of development. The foundation stimulates young people to realise their dreams and ambitions. The initiative lies with the young people themselves, Champa’s role is to create the ideal working conditions and learning situations and to offer the necessary learning materials. Champa is a neutral organistion without any political or religious bias.
Small scale and personal
Champa’s projects are on a small scale and therefore personal involvement is guaranteed. The foundation provides educational materials, study financing and in certain cases basic necessities. In addition, the Champa network (teachers, library directors and other specialists e.g. former students) serves as coach.
Youngsters who receive support from Champa will always receive guidance and answers to all their questions.

Maartje with students during Pi Mai Lao (Lao New Year).